Asteroids with Robotic Telescopes

☄️ A2.2 Toolkit: Faulkes and LCO Robotic Telescope Handbook
This manual provides instructions for students on operating the Faulkes and LCO Robotic telescopes, offering step-by-step guidance for efficient utilization and exploration of celestial objects for educational purposes.
Age group: 7-18 years
☄️A2.3 Toolkit: Observing Asteroids with the Faulkes and LCO Robotic Telescopes
This manual provides instructions for students on how to observe asteroids using the Faulkes and LCO Robotic telescopes, offering step-by-step guidance. It also includes how to get the orbital elements from the website of the Minor Planet Center.
Age group: 12-18 years
☄️A2.4 Setting up and Using Astrometrica to Measure Asteroids
This manual provides step by step instructions for the students how to install and use the Software “Astrometrica” to measure the position of Asteroids and how to submit the astrometric results. The software can also be used for photometric measurements to generate lightcurves of asteroids.
Age group: 12-18 years
Presentation of the Workshop “Asteroids with Robotic Telescopes”, StAnD Summer School, Greece, July 2024.

Sample images and configuration:
Asteroid 2024 HP (PHA)
Astrometrica Configuration Files (right click and select “save as“ to download)
MPCOrb (right click and select “save as“ to download from the Orbit database)
Useful Links:
Faulkes Telescopes – Registration
StAnD – Asteroid Target List
A monthly updated list with selected asteroids useful to observe. The list also includes recommendations for the telescope, number of images, exposure time and the filter.
Link to the observation of M20, we programmed during the workshop at the Summer School in Greece, July 2024:
LCO Observation Portal | Request Detail
Auto generated colour image: