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Welcome to StAnD

StAnD – StudenTs As plaNetary Defenders

An Erasmus+ KA220 project that will bring the exciting subject of Planetary Defence to schools in Europe.

Students will have the opportunity to achieve original discoveries regarding asteroids, meteors and meteorites by conducting real research in the classroom using StAnD’s tailor-made activities. These include meteor camera systems, micrometeorite collection kits, and asteroid search campaigns and follow-up observations. Teachers will receive training by participating in summer schools and enrolling massive open online courses.

This website will be continuously updated with project news and resources.

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Join StAnD and bring the subject of Planetary Defence to your School.

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Learn more about StAnD

Find out more about StAnD project on our About Page.

Discover our Resources

Here you can find concepts, tools and materials developed by the project.


Exploring meteorites

StAnD Summer School: Turning Theory into Practice!

The first StAnD Summer School, held in Marathon, Greece, was an opportunity for participating teachers to meet each other and get to grips with this amazing project to bring comets, asteroids and meteorites into the classroom.

StAnD Summer School banner

Summer School Programme Now Available

The StAnD summer school programme is now available. Get ready for an unforgettable week of professional development in Greece!

StAnD Meeting in Portugal

Second StAnD Project Meeting

From 23 to 24 May 2024 the partners of StAnD met in person in Oeiras, Portugal.

First Meteor Detected by StAnD Prototype Camera

First Meteor Detected by StAnD Prototype Camera!

We are proud to announce that the StAnD camera prototype has detected its very first meteor!

German Multiplier-Event for StAnD at Hans-Freudenberg-Schule

From Hans-Freudenberg-Schule Weinheim into Space!

Read about how the technical Gymnasium in Weinheim, Germany operates remote-controlled telescopes in Hawaii and Australia.

The fireball registered by ESA's meteor cameras.

Stunning meteor lit up the skies over Portugal and Spain

Last Saturday night (May 18 2024) a very bright meteor – a bolide – lit up the skies over Spain and Portugal.

Sneak Preview of the Toolkit

Sneak Preview of the Teacher’s Toolkit 

We’ve taken a peek inside the Teacher’s Toolkit. It’s looking good, so we have to share it with you before we reveal all this summer.

StAnD meteor camera

Meteor Camera Calibration Underway

We’re holding our breath right now for good weather and clear skies: the StAnD meteor camera toolkit is currently being tested

Daniele Gardiol presenting StAnD

StAnD Takes the Stage

STudents As plaNetary Defenders (StAnD) was in the spotlight in Turin, Italy!

Small asteroid falls above Germany.

Small asteroid falls above Germany just hours after being discovered

A 1-metre diameter asteroid was captured on camera as it appeared above Berlin, on 21 January, less than 3 hours after being discovered.

INAF logo
Ellinogermaniki Agogi logo
FTP Europlanet logo

And don’t forget to follow us on social media!