The first two of three meteor cameras in Germany were made operational in December.
One of the cameras is located at the Egbert-Gymnasium in Münsterschwarzach. It was put into action on 12 December 2024 by Lothar Kurtze, Father Christoph Gerhard OSB, and Markus Hartl.

The second camera is now in operation at the FTP-Europlanet gUG observatory. In the future, it will provide images of meteors for the Hans Freudenberg School in Weinheim, among others, which can then be evaluated in the classroom.

The third camera at the Albert Schweitzer High School in Crailsheim is expected to go into operation at the end of January and begin collecting data.
From spring 2025, the plan is to connect the three cameras and make the meteor detections available online to other schools. With the data from these 3 cameras you can then determine the trajectories of the meteors in 3D.