Leading Partner

INAF logo

INAF Italian National Institute for Astrophysics is the main Italian research institute for the study of the Universe. INAF promotes the enhancement of the research results conducted or coordinated by its astronomers. Besides research in astronomy and astrophysics, INAF is very active in education towards students in schools and society through dissemination, educational and outreach activities. These activities are carried out by the 16 research facilities spread all over the country. INAF – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, the leading partner of StAnD, is one of the most important research institutes in Piedmont (NW Italy) and its history dates back to the mid-18th century. Currently more than 100 people (including researchers, technicians, administration, students) collaborate with the Observatory activities. 

Other Partners


COSPAR, the Committee on Space Research, was set up in 1958 under the International Council of Scientific Unions, now International Science Council (ISC), to promote scientific research in space and provide a forum for discussing space research. COSPAR strives to further the use of space science for the benefit of humanity and for its adoption by new space-faring nations, notably via Capacity Building Workshops that teach practical skills enabling researchers to take part in international space research programs. COSPAR advises the United Nations and other intergovernmental bodies on space research matters.

Ellinogermaniki Agogi logo

Ellinogermaniki Agogi is one of the most innovative schools in Europe with 2300 students (ages 5 to 18) and 250 teachers. The school continuously modernises STEM education by promoting and creating learning environments for students and offering numerous opportunities for teachers’ professional development enabling them to thrive in the landscape of unprecedented challenges and opportunities in the 21st century.

FTP Europlanet logo

Founded in 2021, and located in Weinheim, Germany, FTP-Europlanet gUG builds on the heritage of the Faulkes Telescope Project (FTP), established in 2004 to bring the excitement of observing with research-grade telescopes into classrooms. Through an MoU with the Europlanet Executive Board, FTP-Europlanet gUG draws on the 18 years’ experience of Europlanet in delivering media, communications and education activities and training for the European planetary community, with a particular emphasis on supporting early career researchers to develop skills for their future careers.


NUCLIONúcleo Interativo de Astronomia e Inovação em Educação – is a non-governmental organisation that trains teachers in the use of new technologies, innovative methodologies, promotion of real research in the classroom where students are introduced to the scientific methods using robotic telescopes, data mining, and other advanced tools for science learning. NUCLIO is the coordinator of one of the largest astronomy education efforts in the world, the Galileo Teacher Training Program.

StAnD kickoff meeting - group photo.

StAnD project Kickoff Meeting.